
The following companies have partnered with us to provide their customers with quality copper products offered by Copper Manor. In addition to copper products, our distributors offer many other talented services and unique products that can help you add a touch of old-world style to any home or projects. We hope you enjoy their sites!
Euro World Design by Ron Hill
P.O. Box 718
Ozark, MO 65721
T: 417-581-6057
Jag Architectural Products
6003 N. 21st Street
Ozark, MO 65721
T: 417-582-2203
Seldom Found Architecturals
1107 Hickory Street
Kansas City, MO 64101
T: 816.471.2099
If you are business owner interested in becoming an authorized Copper Manor Distributor, please contact us to learn more about our Partners Program. When contacting us, please provide us with your website information so we can learn more about your company.
The following list contains links to great sites that we thought you might find of interest. Many of the links are to companies that we have established great business relationships with over the past years. Some of the links are to websites to businesses we have exchanged links with over the internet. If you would like to exchange links, please contact us and provide us with your website and contact information.
- DirectBuy Create and furnish your dream home with thousands of home improvement products from Direct Buy.
- Wine Rack Grotto's Commercial wine racking line is designed to provide maximum storage and brand exposure in minimal spaces.
- GateHouse Antiques
- Cross Creek Architecture
- Iron Works by Carnahan White
- B&G Drafting
- Doug Pits Construction
- Carleton & Company, LLC
- 417 Magazine
- Home Improvement - RSM answers, quotes, experts
- Copper In Architecture
All links listed on our site are provided as a courtesy to our customers and business partners. Copper Manor makes no representations or recommendations and assumes no liability for the products or services offered by the businesses listed.
All links listed on our site are provided as a courtesy to our customers and business partners. Copper Manor makes no representations or recommendations and assumes no liability for the products or services offered by the businesses listed.